Scholarly Reassignment

Scholarly Reassignment

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In support of the teacher-scholar model, scholarly reassignment provides tenured faculty members relief from normal duties in order to pursue significant projects designed to promote their professional development and to increase their scholarly contribution to the University. This leave is designed to permit faculty members to pursue scholarly goals that require an extended period of time without the demands of regular University duties.

The criteria for eligibility and procedures to apply for Scholarly Reassignment can be found in the Faculty Manual (Section 5.2.5). Faculty can apply for Scholarly Reassignment leave for one major semester at full pay, or for two major semesters at half pay (one year for twelve-month employees). There is no priority assigned to either leave option, and the choice can remain flexible if it is contingent upon receipt of a pending external proposal, such as the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.


  • Fall:  1st business day of September (for reassignment beginning the following fall)
  • Spring:  1st business day of February (for reassignment beginning the following spring)

Applicants must consult with their Chair/Supervisor in a timely manner to ensure that necessary adjustments can be made to cover their instructional load and departmental responsibilities during reassignment. 

Eligibility to Apply

  • At the time of submission, the applicant must be a tenured faculty member with a minimum of four consecutive years of service to the University.
  • Following completion of Scholarly Reassignment leave, the applicant must be eligible to serve for at least one year at an equal or higher level at the University.
  • A new application may not be submitted within three years of the completion of any previous Scholarly Reassignment leave.
  • Prior to submitting a new application, the final report of any previous Scholarly Reassignment leave should be on file in the Office of the Provost.

Instructions to Applicant

Complete the online application by the proper deadline indicated above (see the application link on this page).

The major components of the application are:

  • Abstract (for non-specialist readers)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Description of Activities (no more than three pages), including: (1) an explanation of the significance of these activities and how they relate to your scholarly endeavors, (2) a clear plan of specific activities, (3) expected outcomes, and (4) a timeline of specific activities and outcomes.

After submitting your application, your Department Chair/Supervisor and Dean/University Librarian will be automatically prompted to add their recommendations and statements of support according to the deadlines listed below. You can view these documents and check the status of your application online at:

Your application for Scholarly Reassignment will be evaluated by the Faculty Development Committee on the following criteria:   

  • A record of scholarly activities for a tenured professor in your academic discipline. 
  • A clear work plan for the period of your Scholarly Reassignment.
  • Clear and concise outcomes based on your academic discipline. 
  • Demonstrated need to be away from teaching, advising, and service activities expected by a tenured professor in your academic discipline. 
  • Evidence that the project is above and beyond the normal expectations of a tenured professor in your academic discipline. 
  • Merit of the proposal in terms of its importance and benefits to the University, College, Department, applicant, and/or relevant academic discipline.

In the event that scholarly reassignment is granted, awardees must

  • Sign the acceptance form and return the original to the Office of the Provost.
  • Prior to starting leave, direct any questions pertaining to benefits and/or payment for the full-year or half-year reassignment options to the Office of Human Resources.
  • Submit a written report of their scholarly or creative accomplishments to their Dean/University Librarian within three months of returning to normal duties.
  • Deliver a presentation to the University Community of the outcomes of their reassignment activities within two major semesters of returning to normal duties.

Instructions to Chair/Supervisor

Upon receipt of a scholarly reassignment application in the online system, the Chair/Supervisor must draft a statement that:

  • Assesses the merit of the proposal in terms of its importance and benefits to the University, College, Department, and applicant in the appropriate academic discipline
  • Addresses the proposal's relevance to the continued professional development of the individual faculty member
  • Demonstrates that the regular duties of the applicant can be reassigned to other persons qualified to perform such duties.
  • Ranks each applicant as either highly recommended, recommended, or not recommended.

The Chair/Supervisor statement must be submitted via the online system according to the schedule published in the call for applications (typically two weeks after the deadline for submission). The appropriate Dean/University Librarian will then provide a statement, via the online system, that should address any economic practicalities, constraints, or other special circumstances that may affect their recommendation. Completed applications are then sent to the Faculty Development Committee for review and recommendation to the Provost.